Join Me In My Hair Growth Journey!

Let me take you guys back to the beginning before I ever did anything to my hair. When I was born I had naturally straight until about the age of 13. When I hit puberty my hair went cray cray. It became super frizzy and it seemed like no matter what I did to my hair, I just couldn't get it to stay how I wanted it to. I tried many different anti frizz products but they just made my hair oily.

Me when I was a kid and had straight hair


Ok I'll be honest. I couldn't find any pictures of my really bad frizzy hair because I never dared to take pictures with my hair down.

When I moved to the Philippines, the humid weather only made my hair even worse and it made me so depressed. I hated tying my hair up when all the other girls had their long shiney non frizz hair. I decided that it was time I did something about it so I rebonded my hair. For those of you who don't know, rebond is a permanent straightening which is extremely damaging...but I did it anyway because I was desperate for a solution.

I rebonded my hair for another 4 years plus dying it different colours. I was in the shit because I had really damaged my hair to a point of no return. It was super thin and it was all falling out. My rebonding and dying days came to an end.

What was left of my hair struggled to grow till boob length. After watching tons of Youtube videos I decided to start putting almond oil in my hair and do frequent home treatments. This helped a lot but when I moved to Singapore I realised that the only way I was going to get healthy hair again was to do the "big chop" and I ended up cutting off around 5-6 inches of hair.

My thin long hair

It was time for the CHOP

I always hated short hair but at that point, I had no choice. I'm extremely glad I did it because my hair is finally healthy, shiney and thickening.

HOWEVER! I'm glad to say that in 2 weeks I went from that to this:

After that gigantic background about my hair, let's get to the point. My first IMPORTANT tip is taking hair strengthening pills. Both sets of pills are form Holland & Barret.

The Biotin pills are tiny but the Silica Complex makes up for that by being gigantic! I hate swallowing pills but I'd do almost anything to grow my hair back. I've been taking 2 Biotin tablets and 1 Silica Complex tablet every day. Do NOT exceed this dose. Trust me, I did and I broke out on my face and back!

Another tip that I recently came across is fairly new and what is being called as the "Inversion Method." Basically It's applying a 100% hot, natural oil to your scalp and bending down for about 5 minutes. I have explained this in a previous blog about controlling frizzy hair. For this method I use Monaco Argan oil.

Those are the 2 main points that have helped me grow my hair.

These other tips are pretty basic and you've probably heard a million times from other bloggers and youtubers.

I also try not to do the following:
1) comb/brush my hair when it's wet
2) use any heat
3) wash my hair everyday

I'll admit, I don't have amazing looking hair as I still have the bumps from the rebond and my natural hair colour is slowing growing out but my hair is definitely shiney and soft!

That's pretty much it! I'll post an update in another 2 weeks. Hope these tips help you guys to grow your hair!

Take care xx
