Christmas Break

Haven't been home for a year and a half and it didn't feel strange to me at all. It's weird how Singapore is starting to feel more like home than Malta. It's not that there's anything massively wrong with Malta, I just seem to fit it better here even though there are some memories I would rather forget.

I flew back to Malta on the 24th at 1:20am (yes I know the timing is horrible :/) and the flight is approximately 16 hours.

For those of you who don't know, which is probably the majority of you, this is where Malta is. Yes it is a real island and yes I've heard all the jokes before about the Maltese dogs and the Maltesers haha!

To be honest I didn't do much while I was there cos I literally have no life there besides seeing my family. Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day are pretty standard every year. Christmas Day I usually go to my grandmother's house on my mum's side for lunch and open the presents there and then for tea I usually head over to grandparent's house on my dad's side and open the rest of the gifts.

Last year I spent Christmas and New Year in New Zealand and after almost 2 years of not being back home, I forgot how loud Maltese families are. Not just because of the amount of people but also the way we speak and my little cousins running around and getting angry with each other while playing their games.

I was so astonished to find that they're so tech savvy. Asking for the wifi password and saying that the connection isn't strong in certain areas. When I was their age I was too busy trying to brush the knots out of my Barbie doll's hair and crashing my Chicho Bello into walls.

I felt pretty crappy that day though because my jetlag was absolutely horrible. For those of you who aren't aware of what jetlag is, it's basically feeling hungry and sleepy at the wrong times of the day because of the time difference. Now, in the winter, Malta is 7 hours behind Singapore and 6 hours behind in summer, so when my body was saying it was 1am (Singapore time) it was actually 6pm in Malta. I spent the rest of the trip feeling like that and I hated it because I was waking up at 5am and needing to go to sleep at 5pm.

Besides feeling jetlag I was also freezing my ass off! Even though it was only 8 degree majority of the time, it was still very cold for me cos I HATE THE COLD WEATHER and also being in Singapore all year doesn't help!! One of the reasons why I love Singapore.

As the days slowly went by I got sick and New Year's Eve was the worst! I couldn't even go out to celebrate :( Way to start the new year right?

If any of you are wondering, no I didn't make any New Year's resolutions because I think it's stupid. I just think if I really want to get something done or change something then I wouldn't wait for the new year to come I would just go and do it!
