It's Not Your Life So Don't Interfere

Hello lovelies! I literally just came across something that caught my attention and I wanted to address it.

Something sparked my interest in Naomi Neo's life as a blogger so I started reading some of her posts and watching a couple of her Youtube videos. I decided to google a little about her and how she became so popular because she inspired me to be a blogger. While I was searching I came across a blog that was basically hating on Naomi Neo. No I will not tell you the name of the blog or post the link because I don't want it to spread (even though it's sadly quite popular.)

My first thoughts were "Wow really? You want to dedicate a blog to hating a girl and pointing out her flaws? You must be a really sad person." I don't know Naomi personally, obviously, but it made me really mad to know that someone wants to spend so much time and effort spreading negativity about a girl who is trying to make a life for herself. Now I'm not only talking about Naomi Neo but even famous American Idols like Justin Beiber, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj. I don't understand why their lives affect other people so much. WHY DO YOU CARE?! It's not your life so let them live how they want to live. IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

It's sad to be living in an era where people would rather see others miserable than blossom. "Oh look who she's dating!" SO FUCKING WHAT?! How does it affect you in any way? You don't know them personally and even if you did it's not your life. We should be focusing on encouraging people for the good that they're doing not bringing them down because this girl has her side boob showing in one of her photos.

It's not like she's going to start a war, come on. There are more important things in life than what other people are doing. Think of it this way, imagine you did something that everyone thought was stupid but you were ok with it. You wouldn't like it right? Most likely you would tell them to fuck off because that's where society has brought us. If you were called a whore or a slut for something stupid, it's hurtful right? 

What people don't realise is that it's these kinds of things that lead people to falling into a depression if they're not strong enough to handle it. Do you really want to be the reason someone kills themselves all because of a stupid post? Honestly, if you are one of those people who tell celebrities or anyone for that matter to kill themselves because they're fat or ugly or whatever in your eyes, then I don't have anything to say to you because you're not worth my words.

Instead of saying something like "OMG YOUR VIDEO SUCKS" say something like "I think your editing could use some work but otherwise good attempt!" Leave a fricken suggestion on how you think the video could be more enjoyable to you and then show some encouragement! They're only gonna thank you for it.

We are all human beings at the end of the day and we should be helping each other thrive. Now I'm not saying go and give a round of applause to those men who rape girls or go and support a terrorist attack but for those insignificant happenings of other people's lives it's another thing.

"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"
"Treat others the way you want to be treated"

I always try my best to live by these 2 quotes. Being someone who is very emotional and sensitive, I think about how my words and actions could affect someone. I always try to help those in need and NEVER BRING THEM DOWN. If I feel that someone is doing something against my views, that's my problem and I'll just deal with it. If it really is something horrible then I won't be afraid to express my opinion BUT in a concerned manner, one that is informative and not to purposely hurt someone.

Everyone has "haters" because we all think differently and there's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is bringing them down and causing them pain. Please spread love and not hate guys.
