Road To: Reviving Damaged Hair

If you follow me on my blog then you would know that I had a very bad experience at Kimarie salon at Nex. For those of you who are just reading this post for tips on how to get your hair back into good shape, then here's the long story in a short version. I went to Kimarie salon at Nex to touch up my roots on the Steambond, which is a permanent straightening. There was a huge misunderstanding or rather no communication at all between the hairdressers and I ended up with fried, disgusting, hay like hair. Basically instead of touching up my roots with the Steambond, the hairdresser went ahead and did the Rebond ON ALL OF MY HAIR.

Since that day I have been doing so much research, trying product after product, watching youtube video after youtube video and finally managed to make my hair shine again.



Before I start giving you my tips I just want to say that I am in no way saying that these tips will restore your hair because once the damage is done, it's irreversible. What I am saying is these tips will help restore moisture and shine in your hair. I am also not a professional hairstylist, these are just the tips that I personally use and I would like to share them with my readers.

The very first tip I'm going to share with you, especially if you have dry and damaged hair is DO NOT WASH YOUR HAIR EVERYDAY. I know it's absolutely disgusting to have oily hair but trust me your hair will thank you for doing this. When you wash your hair everyday, you're stripping the natural oils that your scalp produces to hydrate your hair. Washing your hair everyday dries out your hair especially if you're using a sulfate based shampoo and paraben based conditioner. If you can, try to go 2-3 days without washing your hair. Try to prolong it as much as possible. If you're used to washing your hair everyday, then start by washing it every other day and keep stretching it out every week.

Sulfate brings me to my next point. Use shampoos that do not have any sulfate in them as the harsh chemicals will also dry out your hair. Unfortunately, if you want healthier and stronger hair again you're going to have to invest a little bit of money into your hair care routine. Try not to buy shampoos and conditioners from Guardian or Watsons as those are usually the low end, cheapish shampoos and conditioners (even though nothing in Singapore is really cheap). What I mean is, try to find good quality products.

The next tip is doing a hair mask every time you wash your hair. Yes, I know that seems a little extensive but because your hair is really damaged, it's lacking A LOT of moisture so it can use all the moisture it can get from regular hair masks.

Instead of using a hair mask you can also use coconut oil which, if you watch any beauty guru on Youtube, you've probably heard all about the amazing things coconut oil can do. What I did was the day I was going to wash my hair, I would put coconut oil in my hair and on my scalp, massage my scalp for 5 minutes and leave the coconut oil on my hair for about 2 hours in a shower cap. Using a shower cap helps to keep the moisture in your hair. If you want you can go ahead and use both coconut oil and a hair mask but be sure not to do this too often because you'll end up with an oily scalp and product build up.

After washing your hair, do not keep your hair in a towel or blowdry your hair. Twisting your hair into a towel will cause your hair to break because it is very weak when it's wet. Blowdrying or straightening your hair causes more damaged to your hair because you're applying direct heat. When drying your hair just pat it dry and gently squeeze out the excess water from the ends. Since we're on the topic of wet hair, don't comb your hair while it's wet. Like I said, your hair is very fragile while wet so when your brush your hair you're just ripping your hair out and causing more breakage. Needless to say, try to stay away form heat and chemical so no dying, no perms, no straightening, no curling and no blowdrying.

You can also take dietary supplements like Hairfinity, Hairburst or Biotin supplements. These products have essential vitamins to grow strong hair, which is important because your hair also needs help from the inside and not just from the outiside.

The last tip is the simplest but at the same time, the most difficult and that is to drink lots of water. Healthy hair starts from the inside so whatever you put into your body really has an impact on your hair including your diet but hey I'm not a nutritionist so I'm not gonna tell you what you can and can't eat. I did some research and everyone should be drinking their weight in pounds EVERYDAY, especially in Singapore because it's so hot. For example, I weigh about 57kgs or 126 pounds so I drink about 126 pounds of water a day. How do you keep track of this? Easy, get a normal bottle like a Nike bottle or whatever you have at home. The one I use is 700ml. So, I should be drinking 126 ounces because I weigh 126 pounds. I converted 126 ounces into ml and divided that by 700ml and that gives me the amount of bottles I need to drink everyday, which in my case is 5 700ml bottles. Everyone will need o drink a different amount of water everyday because not everyone weighs the same amount.

I hope all of my tips were useful and good luck with your hair care journey!
