Acne: Chinese Face Map

Ever wondered why there are certain areas on your face that constantly have acne? Sure you can get rid of them but they always come back without fail. We all aim for flawless skin and one way to make this happen is by look at the Chinese face map.

But what is the Chinese face map? Basically it connects certain parts of your face to organs in your body. 

I always had problems with acne on my forehead and my chin. If you look at the face map above, you can see that I can solve my acne problems from the inside and not necessarily by purchasing expensive products. Let's look at the forehead and the chin. Acne on the forehead could be caused by bad digestion and also lack of water. Acne on the chin is a hormonal problem.

To tackle the acne on my forehead I had to go to the source which meant dealing with my digestion problem. So what I did was drink lots of green tea and water which helps with digestion and releases the toxins in your body. The only time I get acne on my forehead is when I eat fried, unhealthy food. Diet plays a huge part not only in your health but also in the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

As for my chin, it's a little more complicated than that. Ever since I had my first period, I had excruciatingly painful cramps. If you follow my blog then you already know that I've been on the pill for about 4 months or so. So you're probably wondering "what does this have to do with acne?" Well, acne on the chin is related to the hormones being unbalanced so to rebalance the hormones I started taking the pill which has helped with my cramps and also with my acne. With that being said, I'm not a gynecologist so I'm not saying that going on the pill is the solution for you. Always seek the advice of a doctor, dermatologist and gynecologist before you start these pills.

So before you go and spend hundreds of dollars on products that may or may not work, go to your local doctor and get a check up because your acne might be a little more complicated than you think. With that being said, don't over think your acne because you'll just stress yourself out and cause more acne! Remember to be patient and let the solution take its time to work so don't lose hope if you don't see a difference in a week, keep the routine going and you'll see the results.
